Friday, April 3, 2009

people's feelings about This Very Important Matter


To understand the background story to Save The Mile Houses!, please click here

"It should be very simple. Leave the names as they are, "100 Mile House" etc. On the signs put "km" after the metric distance numbers. Lets face it, all of Europe and most of the rest of the world has gone metric, with the great exception of the stuck-in-the-mud Americans."


"Surely the Europeans are not that stupid.
canada is metric. So the distance is kilometeres
easy to figure out
keep the old mile names and leave things as they are "


"If this happens, I will sell my house and move closer to 100 Mile - to 108 Kilometre House."


" I do not agree that Canadians should live in the Queens' era.
I think it is about time they caught up with the twentyfirst century in measurements, too."


"Doesn't the feds see the obvious.... 100 Mile House is a name not a distance so is exempt from metrification. Question...does the name of 100 Mile House change if a person is two miles or two hundred miles away?"


"Yes, this is pure insanity. I voted to keep the names as they are.

All they have to do is put quotation marks around '100 Mile House' so it's clear it's a place name, not a distance measure. What a waste of time and money, not to mention our heritage."


"Holy s**t! Unbelievable. I'd be first in line to chop down the new f*****g signs."


By the way, just so you don't confuse anybody completely, I doubt the councellor would have called them "lumberjacks". There are no lumberjacks in BC but there are thousands of "Loggers". Lumberjacks live in the east where the whole thing started in the first place.


"Absolutely not!

Nothing wrong with Imperial . . . evidenced by all our housing measurements still being in square feet!

I voted a big 'No'"


"the whole province should be up in arms and screaming, "NO!" to VANOC and the the government.

Since when do foreign visitors here for a very short period of time, get to dictate this kind of idiocy to the people who settled this country, named their towns and put their blood and sweat into their communities???

Stand up! All of you! Yell out loud and clear that VANOC and Campbell and all the other idiots CANNOT do this to us!



To understand the background story to Save The Mile Houses!, please click here


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